Oral history interviews recorded in Italy 2018

Oral history interviews recorded in Italy in 2018

When I was in Italy from September to November 2018, I recorded 12 interviews for the Veneto market gardeners oral history project. I’ll be able to include some information from interviews in the research for my PhD.

I interviewed six people who are relatives of the pioneer market gardeners who arrived in Adelaide between 1926 and 1928. The other six people were born in Australia to Italian parents and now live in the Veneto region.

Interviews with six relatives

Joe Chiumento, born in Wollongong, lives in Monte di Malo, married to Maria Monica Urbani who is related to Johnny and Romano Marchioro, sons of Vittorio Marchioro.

Adelina Mattiazzo, born in Adelaide, lives in Ponzano Veneto, daughter of Armida and Augusto Mattiazzo. Augusto’s sister Claudia was a sister-in-law to Angelo Piovesan.

Elisabetta Pastro, born in Adelaide, lives in Riese Pio X and is a niece of pioneers, Alberto, Pietro and Albino Berno.

Johnny Rebuli, born in Bigolino lives in Bigolino and lived in Adelaide from aged two to 19 years, relative of pioneer, Brunone Rebuli.

Gilda Simeoni, listening to her oral history interview, Riese, 22 Oct 2018
Gilda Simeoni, listening to her oral history interview, Riese Pio X, October 2018

Gilda Simeoni, born at Riese Pio X and now lives at Riese Pio X, spent 15 years in Adelaide. Related by marriage to Silvano Zampin, a pioneer.




Irene Zampin, born in Adelaide in 1952, lives in Caselle di Altivole, a niece of Silvano Zampin.

Families from Italy: six second-generation interviewees

Nevea Antonello, born in Adelaide, lives in Castelfranco Veneto. Nevea was 15 when her parents returned to Italy in early 1970s with their three daughters.

Gabriella Antonini, born in Adelaide, lives in Caselle di Altivole. Her parents returned to Italy in late 1960s with their three children when Gabriella was 8.

Natalina Bello, born in Adelaide, lives in Valdobbiadene, visited relatives in Italy in her 20s, married her husband and their three children were born there.

Rosanna Bin, born in North Queensland, lives in Castelfranco Veneto, went to Italy in her 20s, met her husband and their two sons were born there.

Vivian Miotto

Vivian Miotto, born in Adelaide, lives in San Pietro di Feletto Conegliano, with her husband. Her parents returned to live in Bigolino in January 1968 with their three children when Vivian was 15.

Madeleine Mocenigo, born in Melbourne, lives in Castelfranco Veneto, visited Italy with her parents when she was about 20. She met her husband and their three children were born there.

All the interviews are on the website and you can listen to them either under “Relatives” button or “Families in Italy” button. Transcripts of the interviews and photos will be gradually be added to the website.

Blog – febbraio 2019: Interviste registrate in Italia 2018

Quando ero in Italia da settembre a novembre l’anno scorso ho registrato 12 interviste orali. Ho intervistato sei persone che erano parenti dei primi pionieri agricoltori che arrivarono ad Adelaide tra il 1926 e il 1928.
Ho anche intervistato sei persone che erano nate in Australia ed adesso vivono nella regione Veneto.

Sei parenti

Chiumento Joe, nato a Wollongong, sposato con la cugina di Johnny Marchioro, Maria Monica Urbani. Vivono a Monte di Malo.

Mattiazzo Adelina, nata ad Adelaide, vive adesso a Ponzano Veneto, la figlia di Armida e Augusto Mattiazzo. Augusto era un parente della famiglia Piovesan.

Pastro Elisabetta, nata ad Adelaide, vive adesso a Riese Pio X, cugina della famiglia Berno, (Alberto, Pietro e Albino).

Rebuli Johnny, nato a Bigolino, vissuto ad Adelaide da quando aveva due anni fino a 19 anni. Vive adesso a Bigolino, parente di Brunone Rebuli, pioniere.

Gilda Simeoni, listening to her oral history interview, Riese, 22 Oct 2018
Gilda Simeoni, listening to her oral history interview, Riese Pio X, October 2018

Simeoni Gilda, nata a Riese Pio X,vissuta ad Adelaide per 15 anni dopo il matrimonio nel 1953. Vive adesso a Riese Pio X. Zia di Irene e Dennis Zampin e Terry Mazzarolo che sono nipoti di Silvano Zampin, pioniere.

Zampin Irene, nata ad Adelaide, vive adesso a Caselle di Altivole, nipote di Silvano Zampin, pioniere.

Sei persone che sono nate in Australia

Antonello, Nevea, nata ad Adelaide, è andata a vivere in Italia con la familglia quando aveva 15 anni. Adesso vive a Castelfranco Veneto.

Antonini, Gabriella, nata ad Adelaide, è andata a vivere in Italia con la famiglia quando aveva 8 anni. Ancora vive in Italia, a Caselle di Altivole.

Bello, Natalina, nata ad Adelaide, è andata in vacanza in Italia quando 27 anni e rimasta. Adesso vive a Valdobbiadene.

Bin, Rosanna, nata a North Queensland, è andata in vacanza in Italia quando aveva 25 anni e rimasta. Adesso vive a Castelfranco Veneto.

Vivian Miotto

Miotto, Vivian, nata ad Adelaide, è andata a vivere in Italia nel 1968 con la famiglia quando aveva 15 anni. Ancora vive in Italia, a San Pietro di Feletto, Conegliano.

Mocenigo, Madeleine, nata a Melbourne, è andata in vacanza in Italia quando aveva 20 anni e rimasta. Adesso vive a Castelfranco Veneto.








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