Miotto family

Vivian Miotto

The information on these pages was gathered during Madeleine Regan’s research in Italy. Madeleine spent three months in the Veneto region (September to November 2018) researching the 11 pioneer families in parish and comune archives in villages where they emigrated in the 1920s. She worked in the archives at Malo, Castelcucco, Caselle di Altivole, Riese Pio X, Valla’ and Bigolino.

Madeleine interviewed Vivian in November.



Interview with Viviana Miotto.

Vivian Miotto

How to read the transcripts.

To view the transcript use the control on top of the transcript.  The – + signs enlarge or decrease the document. The arrows take you to the next or back a page. The controls also show you what page you are on.


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