New Year – 2025

The year is already underway but please accept my best wishes for 2024 – and for all that will unfold. There will be many events that will take place in our lives – and in our world – that as yet are unknown.

The image above shows a group of Veneto families who gathered at St Kilda for the annual New Year picnic. It was taken in the 1950s and
Noemi Campagnaolo nee Zalunardo supplied the photo.

The book about the Veneto market gardeners

I want to let you know that this year my book about the Veneto market gardeners will be published. It is called, “‘I buy this piece of ground of here:’ An Italian market gardener community in Adelaide, 1920s – 1970s.” The quote are the words of Vittorio Marchioro who was interviewed in the 1980s. The cover (in the photo below) is an image of Costantina and Giovanni Santin taken on Valetta Road in the 1940s. The photo was provided by their granddaughter, Christine Rebellato nee Mattiazzo.

Cover of the book about the Veneto market gardeners that will be published in 2025.

The book documents the history of the group of Veneto families who established their market gardens in the now Kidman Park, Flinders Park area in the 1930s. I was fortunate to be able to use excerpts from lots of the oral history interviews that I started recording in 2008 with descendants of the first generation of market gardeners. I have also been pleased to include photos that families gave me permission to use over the years -and which are on this website.

It has taken a long time for the book to get to this stage – I began writing it over two years ago and in the last year, I’ve completed various processes required by the publisher, ANU [Australian National University] Press. The Press first publishes its books as e-books which are free to read online, and hard copies can be bought later. It is likely that the book will be launched in July this year when books will be available to buy. I will confirm the date when I know more.

New Year memories

To start the year, I have gone back to a blog that was posted in January 2020. You will see several excerpts from the oral history interviews and you’ll read some memories of how different families celebrated New Year.

Rossetto children: Lena, Aldo, Romeo c1938. Photo supplied by Lena Moscheni nee Rossetto.

Lena Moscheni nee Rossetto,
OH 872/32, 12 September 2014
I remember New Year’s Eve … or New Year’s Day I should say, we’d go around to people’s houses. It was bad luck if a girl went, it had to be a boy first, and we’d go to the people, Italians, and say, ‘Buon anno!’ (Happy New Year!). and they used to give us 20 cents or 10 cents, just like that, but the boys had to go first and I had to come last,
because I was a girl.


Johnny Marchioro, Bruno Piovesan, Edda Piovesan, Romano Marchioro in front of the Tonellato vagon, c 1949. Photo supplied by Johnny Marchioro.


Bruno Piovesan,
OH 872/5, 4 October 2008

And then they used to go to St Kilda, which is just north of Adelaide, of course (laughs) but it felt like it was miles away at the time:  that was a picnic time, once-a-year picnic time. Oh, yes, on the St Kilda beach. 


And they used to have motorbike races and different things. And they called it a ‘swimming pool’, but gee whiz, it was just a hole in the dirt, virtually. [laughs] Used to have their own way of having fun.

Christine Zampin, OH 872/42, 26 February 2017
… and then we used to go to Saint Kilda every New Year’s Day in trucks. … Oh, all the men and the boys and that, kids used to go out and we used to get cockles and crabs and bring them back and then they’d light a fire and cook them up and eat them. And oh, everyone used to bring food. Oh, it was fantastic. And they had, every New Year’s Day, they had these games, down near the Saint Kilda hotel … for running and all that sort of thing… Yeah, it was really good fun. It was a lot of people that used to go to those picnics down at Saint Kilda.

Zampin family, Adelaide, c 1954.
Peter is held by his father. Photo supplied by the Zampin family.

Noemi Campagnolo nee Ballestrin, OH 872/29, 20 March 2014
I remember them going to St Kilda … People we knew, Tonellatos, …  a lot of my relatives, like my zioNarciso. Lina, all the Zampins, they used to live on Angley Avenue in Findon … a lot of them that used to go, we used to have a  truck full, follow the leader. It was good, it was nice.

Zampin, Zalunardo and other families, St Kilda, late 1940s -early 1950s. Photo supplied by the Zampin family.

Anna Santin nee Mattiazzo, OH 872/24, 17 April 2013
One of the family used to get the truck, and we used to put a tarpaulin on, on top, and we all used to get behind with a keg of beer, and something to eat and go around, St Kilda mostly it was.

Group of Veneto families, St Kilda, late 1940s. Photo supplied by the Santin family.

Diana Panazzolo nee Santin, OH 872/27, 13 September 2013

Dean Santin, Anna Santin, Virginia Mattiazzo, Clara Santin, Alan Santin, Nonna Costantin Santin, . Front: Helen Mattiazzo, Diana Santin, Christine Mattiazzo, Frogmore Road, early 1960s. Photo supplied by Christine Rebellato nee Santin.

I remember Bruno Piovesan, [or] I think it was Frankie … Ballestrin, I don’t know if it was Nillo [Piovesan] and [Guido] Rebuli and I remember a New Year’s morning and they came to Mum and Dad’s bedroom window, they started knocking at the window and singing. [laughs] I remember waking up, what was happening? You know.
And I thought, that was really, one of my happiest memories…

I’d like to repeat my invitation to readers who are interested to write about their family’s story and contribute a blog on the website. Each family has a their own experience of migration and life in Australia – the circumstances and ways of settling in the new country are different and valuable to document.  Collectively the stories build a history of Veneto migration in Australia and they form an important history to record for the future. If you would like to contribute a blog about your family, please contact me to arrange a date in 2025.

Madeleine Regan
12 January 2025

The end of the year

The feature photo  is an article about the Veneto market gardeners’ oral history project and some interviews that were used in an exhibition at the Migration Museum in Adelaide. The article  was published in the Italian national newspaper, Il Globo, 25 February  2016.

As a  year ends, we often reflect on events and significant occasions that we have experienced. 

This year there have been a number of significant events associated with the Veneto community in South Australia.

Cover of the 50-year history of the Veneto Book published in 2024.

In May the Veneto Club celebrated its 50-year history with a wonderful dinner and nearly 600 guests. It was a time to remember the hard work of the many volunteers who had contributed their time and labour to building the Club at Beverley. People were delighted to honour the Foundation members and the countless social functions, sports competitions and other events hosted at the Club.



A view of the attendees at the launch of the website, May 2014. Photo by Michael Campbell.

Another anniversary in May marked 10 years of the Veneto market gardeners’ website and its stories of families who migrated from the Veneto region beginning in the 1920s.


It is nearly 100 years ago since the first of the Veneto market gardener families and relatives arrived in Adelaide. Francesco and Margherita Marchioro arrived together as a young couple with a six-month old daughter in March 1926 and Domenico Rossetto arrived in February the same year.

Blogs in 2024

Descendants of the first generation contribute to the website through writing or collaborating in the publication of blogs. In 2024, eight blogs were about different families and members contributed their stories.

In this final post of the year, you will be able to link to the various blogs provided by relatives and read them again if you wish. To access a blog below, click on the heading within the box and it will take you to the page.

The Battistello story and the Veneto Club by Alessia Basso:

Transplanting seeds from home

The 50 year anniversary of the Veneto Club:

The Veneto Club – 50 years

It’s your homeland – Tina Mazzarino:

‘It’s your homeland’

Albino Rebuli, my Dad – Elena Rebuli:

My Dad – Albino, ‘Vito/Vic’ Rebuli

Lea and Orlando Tonellato – Leanne Toscano nee Tonellato:

Lea and Orlando Tonellato

The power of a dream – Duilio Caon:

The power of a dream

From the West End – Nives Caon nee Cescato:

Nives Caon nee Cescato – from the West End

The nativity scene – Irene Zampin and the Trevisani nel Mondo Christmas picnic – Anna Mechis nee Rebellato

Two Christmas traditions

With thanks…

Thank you to all the contributors in 2024 who have helped to make the Veneto market gardeners’ website interactive and thought-provoking. The blogs offer insights into the circumstances of different families in their stories of migration and settlement – they form an archive of Veneto migration history in South Australia.

If you would like to contribute your family story to the website, please contact me to organise a blog in 2025.

Thank you to Michael Campbell for managing the website and thank you to the Veneto Club Inc., Adelaide for funding the annual costs of the website.

With best wishes for a happy New Year.

 Auguri di buon anno.

Madeleine Regan
29 December 2024

Two Christmas traditions

In this blog, you’ll read about two annual Christmas traditions – the presepe or nativity setting  created by Irene Zampin in Caselle di Altivole in the province of Treviso – and a community tradition in Adelaide
organised by the Trevisani nel Mondo.

In the view of Irene’s presepe above, pavers lead the way to the manger.

My presepe – 2024

For me November is a sad month because the first cold days show up and it is when I mostly get bored. The days become dark very early in the evening and the thermal changes bring colds and flus. To remove this melancholy, I have to find something that keeps me busy so I begin my research for some hints of how I could create my presepe.

Since I’m rather an impulsive person, it doesn’t take me long to decide how to proceed with it.

When I have gathered all I need to set it up, the fun begins with excitement.

Location of Caselle di Altivole.

Not far from home, there is a hardware store where the owners allow me to choose all the cardboard boxes I need to make my presepe, at no cost.  If you have some imagination, it isn’t difficult to create one with recycled material such as the one I made. I used cardboard boxes for the houses, egg cartons to make the layer of bricks and some cloth to put on the washing cord. The only expense I had this year was for the green fake lawn that I bought for the ground. The statues are recycled every year.

A view of the presepe.

As you can see, the presepe is made with 4 cardboard boxes, they are easy to set up. Each one represents a scene. The main part of the presepe represents the nativity of Jesus which is in a stable near luxurious houses. To keep the holy family warm in the stable, there are the ox and the donkey that brought Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem.

Every scene took me about 4 to 5 hours.  With the help of the precious hot glue, I assembled the 4 sceneries together so I must say that it took me around 20 hours to complete the presepe.  Since I am not a patient person, when I start something I like to finish it quickly, but not always things turn out as I wish.


I love building up the presepe; the only thing that bothers me is putting in the lights because the electrical wires often get tangled when passing through each box.




Mario, Tommaso and Irene.

I made my first presepe in 2016 when my grandsons asked for it. This year Mario is 15 and Tommaso is 13 years old and they help me. To involve my grandsons, I make them create the old look of the houses. Mario tore up some paper from the carboard and painted a light layer of white on the walls while Tommaso created the rooftop where there is the washing line. I still glue all the statues to the floor because both of them love teasing me by changing the positions of the statues.

Since I have lots of friends that pass by to see my presepe, I keep it out for 6 weeks; 2 weeks more than the usual month (8th of December till the 6th of January). Of course, when they are here, we have a cup of coffee or tea.

You can play a short video (1 minute, 26 seconds) taken by Irene that shows the features of the presepe.

Every year, I participate in a program of one of our regional TV channels which makes an exhibition of homemade presepi.

Irene Zampin
15 December 2024

 The Christmas picnic organised by the Trevisani nel Mondo, Adelaide

For 42 years, the Trevisani nel Mondo Association in Adelaide has organised a Christmas picnic for members and friends. The Trevisani nel Mondo is an international not-for-profit association that represents people and their descendants who migrated from the province of Treviso. Local chapters exist around Australia – and the world.

A view of the attendees at the picnic.

Each year the Trevisani nel Mondo in Adelaide organise a series of gatherings beginning with the Annual General Meeting in February. A Committee, currently consisting of 13 people, organises the events and other groups of volunteers – including a member who is over 90 years – assist with preparation of food and hospitality.

The first large social gathering is the autumn picnic in March. In May, members attend a lunch and the June Castagne or Chestnut event is very popular with attendees who take home packets of roasted chestnuts. In August the Trevisani commemorate Pope Pius X who was born in Riese, a village in the province of Treviso. He was elected Pope in August 1903 and the lunch brings together many people with connections to Riese Pio X. The Christmas picnic is the most popular event in the Adelaide chapter of the Trevisani nel Mondo calendar.

The 2024 picnic was held on 1st December. About 400 people attended including young children who welcomed Father Christmas (Peter Rebellato) who made an entrance and moved around the groups who enjoyed the shade at Sunnybrae Farm, Regency Park.






Madeleine Regan with assistance from Anna Mechis nee Rebellato.

Photos by Chris Rebellato nee Mattiazzo.

15 December 2024

Happy Christmas. Buon natale.


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