Fazzalari family

Relatives and links: Nina Quaresima nee Fazzalari

Fortunato Fazzalari, born 1913 in Caulonia, Reggio Calabria, arrived in Australia in 1932. His wife, Francesca Cosenza, born 1922, arrived as a 13 year old in 1933. Fortunato and Francesca married in 1939 and lived in Raleigh Ave, Flinders Park. Nina was born in 1940, and in 1941 the family moved to the western side of Frogmore Road, St James Park where they had bought five acres and lived in a large old farmhouse that had been owned by the Cattrell family. The house later became home to two of the Santin brothers and their families.

Nicola was born in 1941 and Maria, in 1948. The Fazzalari family lived and worked on Frogmore Road for about ten years and had permission from other market gardeners to use their roadway to access the house. They had about 20 glasshouses and grew tomatoes, beans, cauliflowers, cabbages and lettuces. They provided accommodation in small shacks for young Italian men newly arrived from Italy.

In 1951, the family moved to Findon Road, Woodville West and Fortunato shifted the glasshouses and farmed on leased land at West Beach. Like many other market gardeners, they saw their future in growing vegetables in the outer northern suburban area. In 1959 they bought 20 acres in Salisbury and moved the glasshouses and grew other vegetables until the early 1980s. Both Francesco and Fortunato died in 1988.

In her interview Nina recalls growing up on Frogmore Road, the market gardens and family life, school and jobs, and her marriage to Vincenzo Quaresima.

Nina Quaresima, nee Fazzalari, 2014


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